
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Still Attacked "Hacker", Sony Out of Words

NEW YORK - Sony Corp. has run out of words to say sorry to their customers. Sony repeatedly humiliated caused by hackers who break into security systems its online service.
When the last month Sony's PlayStation network system was hijacked, a spokesman for Sony's direct to consumers thanks to willing to be patient for any inconvenience caused. Especially after the official 100 million users in mind that Sony has been hacked, Sony executive Kazuo Hirai bowing intervened to express regret.
Then, after over 24 days, Sony security systems are also free not burglary, the number one Sony, Howard Stringer, immediately apologized to convince consumers that the system is more secure. But in fact, until now Sony's security system is still under attack.
Nothing else can be done at this time management, in addition to silent action. No executives available for comment from the five security incidents that occur only in the last week.
Suffering Sony still continues as Tuesday (05/24/2011), turn to Sony BMG music site diubrak tear apart. A group of hackers who call their group was attacked Sony LulzCec with SQL injection techniques. This technique is identified together with the techniques used by the Lebanese group of hackers to retrieve confidential information of Sony Ericsson.
"We just wanted to embarrass Sony again. Maybe this is the eighth burglary, or seven and a half," wrote the group in an anonymous posting on Sony's security system. Since April, about seven incidents hit Sony, ranging from anonymous attacks on the Sony site, up to hacker attacks to the division of Sony BMG and Sony Ericsson.
Jason Maloni, Executive Public Relations for Crisis of Levic Strategic Communication, said, Sony is not wise to overcome this problem. "They could say more," said Maloni.
Stringer finally speaks to media after a period of silence executive action. He just said in some forums that the attack was only "hiccup" in the Internet business.

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